Monty Worthington - President

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Monty arrived in Alaska when he was six months old, after the long overland haul from his birthplace in New Mexico and never looked back, Alaska has been home since. He works for Ocean Renewable Power Company in Alaska, developing technology and projects to bring the first tidal and river hydrokinetic energy to Alaska. Monty met Suzi through chance encounters skiing and hiking in the front range of the Chugach mountains above Anchorage. Their friendship, nurtured by a shared passion for the wilderness of Alaska, blossomed into a marriage that was cut tragically short in 2016 when Suzi succumbed to the cancer that she had been diagnosed with in 2013. In the vacuum created by her absence, Monty has striven to continue to follow the pathway that Suzi’s cancer diagnosis catalyzed for both of them, including a commitment born of compassion to ease the difficult journey of those who are currently dealing with a cancer diagnosis. To enact this he has founded, along with the Board of Directors, the Suz Fund, a precious realization in that it was Suzi’s own vision

CHRISTINE Honan SIMPSON - Founding Member - retired


Christine moved to Alaska with her husband, Eric, in 2012 to attend graduate school at Alaska Pacific University for a Masters of Science of Outdoor and Environmental Education. Around the same time she accepted a job at the Winterberry Charter School where she and Suzi became fast friends, hiking over a ridge to each other's houses. Christine, Eric and their their two children, Lucy and Thorsten, live in Seward, Alaska. After losing a dear friend and brother to cancer, Christine wants to help those living with cancer have access to the care they need.

Erin Cunningham - Founding Member - Retired


Erin has been part of the Anchorage community since 2003 and has worked for HDR Alaska for the last 14 years. She is a biologist who loves her furry, feathered, and human friends alike - and met Suzi (and Kava) soon after Suzi and Monty hit it off. Erin understands how overwhelming it can be to navigate the health care system, so feels quite passionate about helping to start the SuzFund, whose intent is to make options more available and the process of finding them less stressful. “I think of Suzi every single day, her commitment to living in alignment with her own truth, her true nature. She continues to be an inspiration and force of nature amongst us, and that is a gift.”

CRAIG LYON - Secretary


A lifelong Alaskan, Craig works as a Transportation Planner for the Municipality of Anchorage. He and his wife Cheryl have 4 children, two of which attended Winterberry Charter School. His youngest son was fortunate to be in Suzanne's class and the whole family remembers her fondly. Craig also served for many years as the President of the Winterberry Parent Guild which is the parent teacher organization for Winterberry.



Lynne is a professional tour guide with a background in theatre. She and her husband, Jeff, have two children together. “We met Suzanne through our children’s school, Winterberry, where she inspired the children (and parents) in her class with her firm, loving, and guiding hand. She brought her healthy living standards to the students, often incorporating yoga into her lessons.” Lynne served on the Winterberry board as a fundraiser, and is grateful to have the opportunity to bring her fundraising energy to The Suz Fund. Her goal is to help cancer patients, like Suzi, have opportunities to include non-traditional, yet beneficial, healing methods into their treatments.


Brooke VanVeckhoven - Treasurer

Nora Smith - Social Media

Nora was born and raised in Anchorage, Alaska. She attends high school at Socratic Focus High School Program, and co-administrates their social media. Nora was in Suzanne’s (Ms. Drinen’s) class, where she discovered many things, including her love of yoga, gardening, and hiking. Nora is passionate about promoting access to the services and treatments that people feel are right for them.