Free Yoga (and Meditation) Classes 

Why do we sponsor yoga classes? We have seen that yoga asana (and meditation) can be a supportive practice for body, mind, and spirit - especially in the midst of a stressful experience.

  • Healing Chair Yoga - (archived online classes only at this time). These gentle classes are taught by Yoga Therapists of Alaska, who specialize in therapeutic yoga. We hope to continue sponsoring these classes in the future - but in the meantime, if you’d like access to the archived set of classes and other healing chair yoga options, click here: Healing Chair Yoga - options.

  • Choose a different yoga (or meditation) class you’d like to attend, free of charge. The Suz Fund is continuing to offer our free yoga/meditation class offerings to allow individuals undergoing or recovering from cancer diagnosis (or treatment) more options for attending a yoga or meditation class once per week, free of cost (see form below to make your request).

If you are interested in joining a yoga or meditation class (online or in-person when available), free of charge, please fill out the brief form below to identify your name, which studio/yoga service you’d like to access/join, and any additional information you’d like to share.